Saturday, 27 June 2020

Renu bala artist wood metal work

                                                              Renu Bala                                                     8696202236
                                                          Wood and metal                                              #renubalaartist


wood work

wood and metal 

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

childhood Memories

Metal Casting work 
Sold out 

childhood Memories

                                        Metal casting is a process in which hot liquid metal is
    poured into a mold that contains a hollow cutout or cavity of the desired finished shape. The liquid metal is then left to solidify, which is removed from the mold, revealing the end product, or the “Casting Form”.
                                                              { this work Sold out }

Sunday, 21 June 2020

                                Reading (History and culture) 
                 Natural and water colour on Rice Paper pasted on Canvas 


natural and water colour on rice paper pasted on canves


childhood time like Paradise

I believed that we learned the activities from each other and I have created my own presence (as artist) in my works to represent so closed relation of mine with my childhood memories through nature element  and semi realistic human figure I have used while creating a form (work of art). Every object has its own quality of importance mean wise.

painting medium Natural and water colour  on Rice paper pasted on canvas